Kassidy VanGundy

1 Books

Kassidy VanGundy was born and raised in South Bend, IN, a city juxtaposed between Chicago and a sea of cornfields. Built with a set of wings, she set out to see as many parts of the world as she could, from Athens to Sao Paulo. Although, she admits that heat lightning and driving on dirt roads occasionally tempts her to come back home.

Right now, she’s nesting on the East Coast with her beautiful husband, Douglas, who is constantly subjected to chapter reviews of her writing, especially during the development of her first book, Cursed Fate.

In 2020, Kassidy VanGundy graduated from the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University with her Masters in International Affairs and a specialization in Diplomacy, where she also taught multiple courses on sustainable development within the earth and environment department.

Prior to this experience, she graduated from Hanover College with her Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a minor in English. She incorporates everything she’s learned from both her academic and personal experiences into her work.


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