Yogie Chandra Tatvaraj

5 Books

Yogie Chandra Tatvaraj, born Chandran Tatvaraj Christian also known as Chandran Christian is an Indian Singer/ Song Writer, Author, Hatha Yoga Enthusiast and Artist who fronted some of India’s most iconic rock bands of the ’80s to 1997.

In a very alternative journey in life, he has been associated in Creative writing, Media and the Arts with the WHO, Norwegian Aid, Swedish Developmental Corporation, British Council and the Government of India. His passionate interests include Philosophy (Indian and Greek), Physics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Wild Life, Yoga, Music, Reading, Writing, Painting and Spirituality.

He has written 2 other books, the first WHO ARE YOU, a philosophical inquiry on the self with Philosophy, Physics and Eastern Mysticism, the second GRATEFULLY DEAD, a retrospective autobiography. He presently resides in Hyderabad, India and works as the chief editor of Gyanam Content Writing Services, Artist, Hatha Yoga Promoter, Music Director and Corporate Trainer.


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