Stars in You & Me

Shaheen Kazi



What's your Zodiac Sign?

Do you know the positive or negative aspects of your Sign?
If not, then this book is for you. We all have different personalities, and we're all connected through a star sign. Understanding yourselves and your beloved nature is always an absolute priority in any relationship. But sometimes, at a time of life, things get complicated between two personalities.

"Stars in You & Me" is a collection of 36 poems written under every zodiac symbol. Through the poetic expression, you will get three different verses for each zodiac. In these poems, your vision will be clearer to know about you and your companion personality, either your relationship is in the form of any family, friends or colleagues.

The author expressed the 12 different personalities of each zodiac and genres uniquely. It's an exciting read that will hook you to the end.

Language English
ISBN-10 9789354460883
ISBN-13 9789354460883
No of pages 167
Book Publisher Evincepub Publishing
Published Date 30 Jun 2021

About Author

Author : Shaheen Kazi


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