The Secret Code Of The Superior Investor - How To Be A Long Term Winner In A Short Term World

James K. Glassman


In Circulation

What should your investment strategy be now that the steady, upward trend of the U.S. stock market seems like history? The years ahead promise to be volatile, full of ups and downs, so is this the time for investors to hunker down and scale back?

Not at all, is Jim Glassman’s advice. Sure, there were some people who bailed out of the market early and came out ahead, but that was luck—the kind of luck that wins the lottery once in a blue moon: it’s not a strategy. And if there is one clear lesson to be learned from all of the recent market drama, it’s that you need a point

of view and a coherent investment strategy. And that’s just what Glassman provides in The Secret Code of the Superior Investor.

If you believe that the long-term outlook for the American economy is positive (as Glassman and most experts do), then the best strategy is the tried-and-true approach that has worked well for more than a hundred years: acquiring a diversified portfolio of stocks in great companies and then holding on to them forever.

Jim Glassman’s investing principles provide the ballast to help you keep your investing balance no matter how the markets bubble or bobble. His rigorous, practical, straightforward way of thinking and taking action enables you to build a portfolio that performs well no matter what the economic climate. Here is invaluable advice on what stocks and mutual funds to buy—and when to sell them. (Hint: Almost never.)

What will you learn from this book

  1. Focus on Long-Term Growth: Emphasizes the benefits of thinking and investing with a long-term perspective rather than short-term speculation.

  2. Fundamental Analysis: Advocates for researching and investing in companies based on their fundamentals, such as earnings, growth potential, and competitive advantages.

  3. Patience and Discipline: Stresses the importance of patience, discipline, and sticking to a well-thought-out investment strategy despite short-term market volatility.

  4. Quality Over Quantity: Prioritizes quality investments over excessive trading, aiming for long-term value creation rather than short-term gains.

  5. Diversification: Encourages diversifying investments across different asset classes and industries to manage risk and optimize returns.

  6. Risk Management: Discusses strategies for managing risks, including portfolio diversification, asset allocation, and understanding individual investment risks.

  7. Ignoring Market Noise: Advises against being swayed by short-term market trends or noise, focusing instead on long-term investment goals.

  8. Value Investing Principles: Explores the principles of value investing, seeking undervalued assets with strong fundamentals and growth potential.

  9. Adaptability and Learning: Encourages adaptability and continuous learning in response to market changes and evolving investment landscapes.

  10. Staying Informed: Advocates for staying informed about market trends, economic indicators, and industry developments while maintaining a long-term perspective.

Language English
ISBN-10 1-4000-4671-8
No of pages 324
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Crown Business
Published Date 24 Dec 2002

About Author

Author : James K. Glassman

1 Books

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