The Art of War Sun Tzu.

Thomas Cleary


In Circulation

Compiled more than two thousand years ago by a mysterious warrior-philosopher, The Art of War is still perhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy in the world today, as eagerly studied in Asia by modern politicians and executives as it as been by military leaders since ancient times. As a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict, The Art of War applies to competition and conflict in general, on every level from the interpersonal to the international. Its aim is invincibility, victory without battle, and unassailable strength through understanding of the physics, politics, and psychology of conflict.

This translation presents the classic from the point of view of its background in the great spiritual tradition of Taoism, the origin of psychology, science, and technology in East Asia and the source of the insights into human nature that underlie this most revered of handbooks for success. Translated from a standard collection of commentaries on Sun Tzu's text by eleven interpreters, the work has been edited by Thomas Cleary to bring out the meaning of the principles of strategy. In addition, the translator provides an extensive introduction discussing the content and background of the book.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Strategy and Planning: Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of strategy and planning in warfare. Understanding the terrain, the enemy, and oneself is crucial for success.

  2. Adaptability: A successful leader is adaptable and can adjust strategies based on changing circumstances. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to the opponent's movements are essential.

  3. Deception and Misdirection: Sun Tzu emphasizes the use of deception to confuse and mislead the enemy. The ability to disguise intentions and create a false perception can provide a significant advantage.

  4. Know Your Enemy and Yourself: Sun Tzu stresses the importance of knowing both the strengths and weaknesses of your own forces and those of your opponent. This knowledge is fundamental for making informed decisions.

  5. Avoiding Conflict When Possible: Sun Tzu values winning without fighting. If possible, conflicts should be resolved through diplomatic means or by gaining a strategic advantage without engaging in direct confrontation.

  6. Winning Without Battle: The highest form of strategy is to win without fighting. This involves using intelligence, strategy, and diplomacy to achieve victory without resorting to open conflict.

  7. Understanding the Terrain: Knowing the terrain and adapting strategies accordingly is crucial. Factors such as geography, weather, and local conditions can significantly impact the outcome of a battle.

  8. Leadership and Morale: Effective leadership and maintaining high morale among troops are essential for success. A leader must inspire confidence, communicate clearly, and ensure that the team is motivated.

  9. Economy of Resources: Sun Tzu advocates for the efficient use of resources. Wastefulness in terms of time, energy, or materials can undermine the success of a campaign.

  10. The Importance of Intelligence: Gathering accurate and timely intelligence is critical for making informed decisions. Sun Tzu stresses the need for spies and reconnaissance to gather information about the enemy.

Language English
ISBN-10 0877734526
ISBN-13 9780877734529
No of pages 172
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Shambhala Publications Inc.,U.S.
Published Date 26 Oct 1988

About Author

Author : Thomas Cleary

2 Books

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