Identifying and Managing Project Risk (2nd Edition)

Tom Kendrick


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It’s no wonder that project managers spend so much time focusing their attention on risk identification. Important projects tend to be time constrained, pose huge technical challenges, and suffer from a lack of adequate resources.

Identifying and Managing Project Risk, now updated and consistent with the very latest Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)® Guide, takes readers through every phase of a project, showing them how to consider the possible risks involved at every point in the process.

Drawing on real-world situations and hundreds of examples,

the book outlines proven methods, demonstrating key ideas for project risk planning and showing how to use high-level risk assessment tools. Analyzing aspects such as available resources, project scope, and scheduling, this new edition also explores the growing area of Enterprise Risk Management. Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this book helps readers determine risk factors thoroughly and decisively…before a project gets derailed.


What will you learn from this book

  1. Risk Identification and Assessment: Emphasizes the importance of systematically identifying and assessing potential risks that could affect project objectives.

  2. Risk Analysis Techniques: Introduces various risk analysis techniques, such as qualitative (probability and impact assessment) and quantitative (Monte Carlo simulations) methods, to evaluate and prioritize risks.

  3. Risk Register and Documentation: Stresses the necessity of maintaining a risk register, documenting identified risks, their potential impacts, and planned responses.

  4. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Discusses strategies for mitigating risks, including risk avoidance, risk transfer, risk reduction, and risk acceptance, based on their impact and likelihood.

  5. Contingency Planning: Advocates for developing contingency plans to address identified risks and minimize their impact if they occur.

  6. Risk Monitoring and Control: Highlights the importance of continuously monitoring identified risks throughout the project lifecycle and adjusting risk response plans as needed.

  7. Communication and Stakeholder Engagement: Emphasizes the need for transparent communication with stakeholders about identified risks, potential impacts, and mitigation strategies.

  8. Risk Ownership and Accountability: Encourages assigning ownership and accountability for managing specific risks to relevant team members or stakeholders.

  9. Lessons Learned and Feedback Loop: Promotes learning from past projects by capturing lessons learned from risk management experiences and integrating feedback for future projects.

  10. Integrated Risk Management: Advocates for integrating risk management processes into overall project management practices to ensure that risk considerations are embedded in decision-making.

Language English
ISBN-10 9780814413401
ISBN-13 9780814413401
No of pages 360
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Amacom
Published Date 01 Mar 2009

About Author

Author : Tom Kendrick


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