DNA The Secret Of Life

James Watson


In Circulation
Watson's lively, panoramic narrative begins with the fanciful speculations of the ancients as to why "like begets like" before skipping ahead to 1866, when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel first deduced the basic laws of inheritance. But genetics as we recognize it today--with its capacity, both thrilling and sobering, to manipulate the very essence of living things--came into being only with the rise of molecular investigations culminating in the breakthrough discovery of the structure of DNA, for which Watson shared a Nobel prize in 1962. In the DNA molecule's graceful curves was the key to a whole new science.
Language English
ISBN-10 0-09-945184-0
No of pages 487
Book Publisher Random House
Published Date 30 Nov -0001

About Author

Author : James Watson

2 Books

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