It's Not the Big That Eat the Small...It's the Fast That Eat: How to Use Speed as a Competitive Tool in Business

Jason Jennings



Conventional wisdom once told us big companies are unbeatable... and eat smaller competitors for breakfast.Not anymore. These days It's Not the Big that Eat the Small... It's the FAST that Eat the Slow!Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton discovered what separates today's icons of speed from everybody else.They asked questions like:What is the difference between speed and haste? Where does business go to spot trends before the competition?How can leaders help people stop dreading high velocity and rediscover the thrill of deciding, acting and staying fast?And studied the world's fastest companies like: H&M Europe's fast fashion phenomenon now poised to threaten apparel stores in America.AOL who gulped down Netscape and Time Warner in record time. Charles Schwab the new dominant name in discount and on-line financial services.The results are in this sensational book... a national bestseller, translated all over the globe and universally praised.Would you like to make speed a competitive tool in your business? Here's your roadmap!

What will you learn from this book

  1. Speed as a Competitive Advantage: Emphasizes the value of agility and speed in outpacing competitors, enabling businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

  2. Adaptability and Flexibility: Discusses the importance of being adaptable and flexible in responding to market shifts and customer demands swiftly.

  3. Decision-Making Velocity: Stresses the need for quick decision-making processes within organizations to capitalize on opportunities and avoid delays.

  4. Innovation and Rapid Change: Advocates for fostering a culture of innovation and encouraging rapid changes to stay ahead of the competition.

  5. Customer-Centric Approach: Highlights the significance of understanding and meeting customer needs rapidly to maintain a competitive edge.

  6. Lean Operations: Discusses the benefits of lean and efficient operations, reducing bureaucracy and streamlining processes to enhance speed and responsiveness.

  7. Leadership and Empowerment: Emphasizes empowering employees and providing them with the autonomy to act swiftly, enabling faster responses to challenges.

  8. Continuous Improvement: Encourages a mindset of continuous improvement, where businesses constantly seek ways to enhance speed, efficiency, and quality.

  9. Risk-Taking and Innovation: Encourages calculated risk-taking and experimentation to drive innovation and create opportunities for growth.

  10. Agility Across Industries: Offers examples of how agility and speed have been successfully implemented across various industries, showcasing their impact on business success.

Language English
ISBN-10 0066620538
ISBN-13 9780066620541
No of pages 272
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher HarperBusiness
Published Date 09 Jan 2001

About Author

Author : Jason Jennings

5 Books

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