The Future For Investors.

Jeremy J Siegel



The new paradigm for investing and building wealth in the twenty-first century. The Future for Investors reveals new strategies that take advantage of the dramatic changes and opportunities that will appear in world markets.

Jeremy Siegel, one of the world’s top investing experts, has taken a long, hard, and in-depth look at the market and the stocks that investors should acquire to build long-term wealth. His surprising finding is that the new technologies, expanding industries, and fast-growing countries that stockholders relentlessly seek in the market often lead to poor returns. In fact, growth itself can be an investment trap, luring investors into overpriced stocks and overly competitive industries.

The Future for Investors shatters conventional wisdom and provides a framework for picking stocks that will be long-term winners. While technological innovation spurs economic growth, it has not been kind to investors. Instead, companies that have marketed tried-and-true products for decades in slow-growth or even declining industries have superior returns to firms that develop “the bold and the new.” Industry sectors many regard as dinosaurs—railroads and oil companies, for example—have actually beat the market.

Professor Siegel presents these strategies within the context of the coming shift in global economic power and the demographic age wave that will sweep the United States, Europe, and Japan. Contrary to the popular belief that these economic and demographic trends doom investors to poor returns, Professor Siegel explains the True New Economy and how to take advantage of the coming surge in invention, discovery, and economic growth.

The faster the world changes, the more important it is for investors to heed the lessons of the past and find the tried-and-true companies that can help you beat the market and prosper in the years ahead.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Long-Term Investing: Siegel emphasizes the power of long-term investing and how it often outperforms short-term strategies. He might provide historical data and examples to support this claim.

  2. Stocks as Long-Term Investments: He might advocate for stocks as one of the most effective long-term investment vehicles. Siegel could discuss their historical performance and potential for wealth accumulation.

  3. Dividend Investing: Siegel might highlight the importance of dividends in investment returns, showcasing their role in long-term wealth creation.

  4. Global Diversification: The author might stress the significance of diversifying across global markets to reduce risk and enhance returns. Understanding international economies and markets could be a key theme.

  5. Emerging Markets: Siegel might discuss the potential of investing in emerging markets, considering their growth prospects compared to developed economies.

  6. Technological Innovation and Investments: He might focus on the impact of technological advancements on investments, highlighting industries or sectors poised for growth due to innovation.

  7. Investment Performance of Different Sectors: Siegel might delve into the historical performance of various sectors and industries, identifying trends and potential future winners.

  8. Economic Trends and Their Influence on Investments: Understanding economic cycles and their impact on different investment types could be a crucial aspect covered in the book.

  9. Risk Management: The importance of risk management and strategies for mitigating risks in investing might be discussed, highlighting the significance of balancing risk and return.

  10. Demographics and Investment Opportunities: Siegel could discuss how demographic shifts influence investment opportunities, such as the impact of aging populations or emerging consumer markets.

Language English
ISBN-10 1-4000-8198-X
ISBN-13 9781400081981
No of pages 318
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher currency
Published Date 08 Mar 2005

About Author

Author : Jeremy J Siegel

2 Books

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