Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant - Book Summary

Guide To Financial Freedom

Robert Kiyosaki





With a scarcity of jobs and today's plummeting employment rate, every individual whether rich, poor or middle class is trying to find new ways and possibilities of increasing their cash inflow. How is it that some people remain debt free while others are buried in debt? This book attempts to answer such questions.

Rich Dad S Cashflow Quadrant Int is a bestseller that is aimed at teaching people, employees and self-employed alike, the importance of the role they play in the world of finance and investing. Highlighting the approach of individuals, it provides the necessary tools for upcoming business owners and entrepreneurs to double and triple their cash inflow.

Robert Kiyosaki also illustrates the improvements that need to be implemented with the change from the industrial to the information age. According to him, the mindset and approach of the employee or the self-employed needs to be creatively altered to transform into the new and improved mindset of the entrepreneur.

Rich Dad S Cashflow Quadrant Int is a guide that brings out the differences between the four classes of people in the business world: employees, the self-employed, investors and business owners. Within these sectors there are those who are financially insecure and those that are innovative. The book encourages readers to ask themselves who they are and what they need to change about themselves.

This financial guide was published by Perseus Books Group in 2011 in paperback.

Key Features:

Rich Dad S Cashflow Quadrant Int is the second book of the Rich Dad series, after the international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad.


What will you learn from this book

In this summary, you will learn:

1. The path to move from being an employee or self-employed to owning a business and investing.

2. The importance of being financially literate and gaining financial intelligence.

3. To recognise risk and make your decisions on the basis of facts and not on the basis of opinions and emotions.

Language English
No of pages 20
Book Publisher i-Read Publications
Published Date 29 Feb 2020
Audio Book Length 00:24:46

About Author

Author : Robert Kiyosaki

2 Books

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