Managing Crises Before They Happen

Ian I . Mitroff & Gus Anagnos


In Circulation

"From tragic accidents to public relations fiascos, we live in an increasingly crisis-ridden society. In fact, half of the major industrial accidents of the past century occurred in the last 20 years. Incidents such as Bhopal and the Exxon Valdez have become embedded in our consciousness, cultural icons of the worst sort. Other crises, less devastating but with serious impact on their businesses, occur almost daily. Why is this--and what can be done to reverse this disturbing trend?

According to Ian Mitroff, one of the world's leading experts on crisis management, the rise in the crisis rate is due to an ingrained ""it-can't happen-to-us"" mentality--which, in turn, leads to a total lack of preparedness for crises. His solution? Find out in Managing Crises Before They Happen. This fascinating book provides readers with a powerful framework that will help them:

* Recognize the early warning signals that almost always precede a crisis

* Focus on the big picture, not just the details

* Avoid becoming either the victim or the villain in a crisis situation

* Understand the importance of personal character, corporate culture, and thinking outside the box to effective crisis management

* Learn from one crisis things that can prevent or ameliorate the next."

What will you learn from this book

  1. Proactive Approach: Organizations should adopt a proactive approach to crisis management, identifying potential crises before they occur and taking steps to prevent them.

  2. Risk Assessment: Conducting regular risk assessments can help organizations identify potential crises and develop strategies to mitigate them.

  3. Crisis Planning: Developing a comprehensive crisis management plan is essential. This plan should outline how the organization will respond to different types of crises and who will be responsible for each aspect of the response.

  4. Crisis Communication: Effective communication is key during a crisis. Organizations should have a plan in place for communicating with employees, customers, the media, and other stakeholders.

  5. Training and Drills: Regular training and crisis drills can help prepare employees for a crisis situation, ensuring a more effective response.

  6. Learning from Past Crises: Organizations should learn from past crises and incorporate these lessons into their crisis management strategies.

  7. Transparency: Maintaining transparency during a crisis can help build trust with stakeholders and mitigate the impact of the crisis.

  8. Leadership: Strong leadership is crucial during a crisis. Leaders should remain calm, communicate effectively, and make decisions that prioritize the well-being of employees and the organization.

  9. Collaboration: Collaborating with external partners, such as government agencies and other organizations, can help organizations respond more effectively to crises.

  10. Continuous Improvement: Crisis management is an ongoing process. Organizations should continually review and update their crisis management plans to ensure they remain effective.

Language English
ISBN-10 0814405630
ISBN-13 978-0814473283
No of pages 172
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Amacom
Published Date 23 Jul 2018

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