The Passion Test.

Janet Bray & Chris Attwood


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Accessible to anyone of any faith or background, The Passion Test takes readers on a journey to experience the transformation that occurs when they determine what really matters most to them. Through interactive sections, the book helps the reader to identify their top 5 passions, and provides guidance on how to align their life with those passions.

Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from the world's leading experts in self-development, The Passion Testshows practical ways how the law of attraction can be used to bring a life of unlimited reward and unconditional love.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Clarity of Passion: The book emphasizes the importance of gaining clarity about one's passions and desires. It encourages readers to identify what truly matters to them and what brings them joy and fulfillment.

  2. Prioritization: Once passions are identified, the book guides readers through a process of prioritizing them based on their level of importance and significance in their lives.

  3. Testing for Passion: The authors introduce the concept of "testing" one's passions by paying attention to how they feel when thinking about or engaging in activities related to those passions. This helps individuals confirm whether their identified passions resonate with them deeply.

  4. Alignment with Values: "The Passion Test" emphasizes the alignment of passions with personal values. It encourages readers to ensure that their passions are in harmony with their core values and beliefs.

  5. Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs: The book addresses the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs and self-doubt that may hinder individuals from pursuing their passions. It provides strategies for reframing negative thoughts and embracing a mindset of possibility.

  6. Goal Setting: Once passions are identified, the book guides readers in setting clear and achievable goals aligned with their passions. It emphasizes the importance of setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

  7. Taking Inspired Action: "The Passion Test" encourages readers to take inspired action towards their passions. It emphasizes the importance of consistent effort and perseverance in pursuing one's dreams and goals.

  8. Living Authentically: The book promotes living authentically by aligning one's life choices and actions with their passions and values. It encourages readers to make decisions that honor their true desires and aspirations.

  9. Mindfulness and Presence: "The Passion Test" advocates for mindfulness and present-moment awareness as tools for connecting with one's passions and living a more fulfilling life. It encourages readers to cultivate mindfulness practices to stay connected to their passions.

  10. Continuous Reflection and Adjustment: Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of continuous reflection and adjustment in the pursuit of passions. It encourages readers to regularly revisit their passions, reassess their goals, and make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with their evolving desires and priorities.

Language English
ISBN-10 1847371574
ISBN-13 9781847371577
No of pages 291
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Simon & Schuster
Published Date 30 Sep 2007

About Author

Author : Janet Bray & Chris Attwood

2 Books

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