Brihadaaranyaka : The Great Upanishad

Kadambari Kaul



'Lead me from the unreal to real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality', these three prayers emerge from the distilled soul of eternal India. They are the quintessence of the Brihadaaranyaka (Great Forest Text), that ranks amongst the oldest of the esoteric revelations which constitute the Upanishadic corpus.

This pristine work of intuitive wisdom having at its core the wondrous insight of Yajnavalkya, the pioneer sage, offers a veritable roadmap, guiding worthy seekers of knowledge on a course of spiritual ascendance and ultimate liberation - with faith, logic and contemplation, as the pilgrim's wherewithal. Strewn along the path of this great journey of self-discovery, are answers to mankind's eternal questions on creation, the meaning of existence, karma, transmigration and finally attainment of oneness with Brahman - the Ultimate Reality.

Apart from Ethics, Psychology and Metaphysics are other high grounds bridged by the Brihadaaranyaka. Its in-depth knowledge of the sense organs and objects, the propensity of the mind to act on the 'pleasure principle', and its incisive analysis of the states of dream and deep sleep; all constitute the powerful testimony to the profound psychological insights of the Upanishad Hrshi. But it is the enunciation of the Vedantic metaphysics of non-dualism, based on neti neti(negation of all empirical reality) that constitutes the deepest philosophical message of this Great Upanishad.

This volume presents an innovative transcreation of the Brihadaaranyaka in simple, free flowing verse, supported by an eclectic array of elucidations and commentaries gleaned from master interpreters. It beckons the modern truth-seeker towards the liberating experience of exploring this font of ancient wisdon( prajnaa puraanee), a new.

Language English
ISBN-10 9381836701
ISBN-13 9789381836705
No of pages 429
Book Publisher Leadstart Publishing Private Limited
Published Date 12 Apr 2015

About Author

Author : Kadambari Kaul


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