What CEOs Expect From Corporate Training

William J Rothwell & John E Lindholm


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Training is about improving overall organizational performance, and no individual is more accountable for a company's performance than its CEO. It follows, then, that Workplace Learning and Performance professionals (a.k.a. trainers) must learn what chief executives hope to achieve through their company's training efforts, and that they must satisfy the expectations of those executives and other key stakeholders. What CEOs Expect From Corporate Training is based on extensive interviews with CEOs across a myriad of industries, and reflects their ideas about how effective training can help achieve corporate objectives. To help readers apply these crucial insights to their own efforts, the authors have created a conceptual map of behaviors and relationships, plus a selection of practical worksheets, checklists, and other tools. Unlike previous work based on what trainers believe they should be doing, What CEOs Expect From Corporate Training directly identifies the training imperatives defined by CEOs and the results they demand. "Training is about improving overall organizational performance, and no individual is more accountable for a company's performance than its CEO.

It follows, then, that Workplace Learning and Performance professionals (a.k.a. trainers) must learn what chief executives hope to achieve through their company's training efforts, and that they must satisfy the expectations of those executives and other key stakeholders. What CEOs Expect From Corporate Training is based on extensive interviews with CEOs across a myriad of industries, and reflects their ideas about how effective training can help achieve corporate objectives. To help readers apply these crucial insights to their own efforts, the authors have created a conceptual map of behaviors and relationships, plus a selection of practical worksheets, checklists, and other tools. Unlike previous work based on what trainers believe they should be doing, What CEOs Expect From Corporate Training

What will you learn from this book

  1. Alignment with Business Goals: CEOs expect corporate training programs to align closely with the overall strategic goals of the company. Training should contribute directly to the organization's success and growth.

  2. Leadership Development: CEOs often emphasize the importance of developing future leaders within the organization. They expect training programs to identify and groom potential successors for key positions.

  3. Skill Enhancement: Training should focus on developing specific skills and competencies that are crucial for both individual and organizational success. This includes technical, managerial, and soft skills development.

  4. Measurable Results: CEOs look for tangible outcomes and results from training initiatives. They expect metrics that demonstrate the effectiveness of the programs, such as increased productivity, improved employee retention, or enhanced performance.

  5. Adaptability and Innovation: In rapidly evolving industries, CEOs expect training programs to foster adaptability and innovation among employees. This might involve training on new technologies, market trends, or creative problem-solving.

  6. Succession Planning: Specifically in the context of succession planning, CEOs expect training programs to identify and develop a pipeline of talent capable of taking on critical leadership roles in the future.

  7. Employee Engagement and Retention: Training initiatives should contribute to higher employee engagement and satisfaction. CEOs value programs that invest in employees' growth and career development, which in turn can lead to better retention rates.

  8. Cost-Effectiveness: While investing in training is crucial, CEOs also expect a return on investment. They look for efficient and cost-effective training solutions that deliver meaningful results without excessive expenditure.

  9. Cultural Alignment: Training programs should reinforce and align with the company's culture, values, and ethos. This helps in maintaining consistency and unity across the organization.

  10. Continuous Learning Culture: CEOs appreciate training programs that foster a culture of continuous learning and development, encouraging employees at all levels to constantly improve their skills and knowledge.

Language English
ISBN-10 0-8144-0679-3
ISBN-13 9780814416051
No of pages 300
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Thomas Nelson
Published Date 15 May 2009

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