First Things First.

Stephen R Covey


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In the spirit of THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE, the international bestseller, FIRST THINGS FIRST is a revolutionary guide to managing your time by learning how to balance your life. Traditional time management suggests that working harder, smarter and faster will help you gain control of your life, and that increased control will bring peace and fulfilment.

The authors of FIRST THINGS FIRST disagree. In the first real breakthrough in time management in years, Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill apply the insights of the 7 HABITS to the daily problems of people who must struggle with the ever increasing demands of work and home life. Rather than focusing on time and things, FIRST THINGS FIRST emphasises relationships and results.

And instead of efficiency, this new approach emphasises effectiveness. Covey offers a principle-centred approach that will empower readers to define what is truly important; to accomplish worthwhile goals; and to lead rich, rewarding and balanced lives.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Quadrant II Living: Covey introduces the concept of Quadrant II, which represents activities that are important but not urgent. He emphasizes the importance of spending more time in Quadrant II to focus on long-term goals, personal growth, and relationships.

  2. Principles-Centered Living: The book advocates for living a life guided by principles rather than reacting to external demands. Covey encourages readers to identify their core values and align their actions with those principles to achieve greater fulfillment and effectiveness.

  3. Time Management Matrix: Covey introduces the Time Management Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. He advises prioritizing tasks in Quadrant II, which are important but not urgent, to prevent crises and focus on proactive activities.

  4. Roles and Goals: Covey emphasizes the importance of defining roles and setting goals in various areas of life, including personal, professional, and relationships. He encourages readers to clarify their roles and responsibilities and set meaningful goals aligned with their values.

  5. Weekly Planning: The book emphasizes the importance of weekly planning to prioritize tasks and allocate time effectively. Covey recommends setting aside dedicated time each week to review goals, plan tasks, and schedule activities based on priorities.

  6. Effective Delegation: Covey discusses effective delegation as a way to leverage time and resources. He encourages readers to delegate tasks that fall outside their core competencies or are less important, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities.

  7. Proactive vs. Reactive: Covey contrasts proactive and reactive approaches to time management. He advocates for proactive behavior, where individuals take initiative, set goals, and focus on what they can control, rather than reacting to external stimuli.

  8. Importance of Balance: The book stresses the importance of maintaining balance in life by prioritizing activities in all key areas, such as health, relationships, work, and personal development. Covey encourages readers to avoid neglecting important aspects of life while pursuing goals.

  9. Integrity and Trustworthiness: Covey highlights the importance of integrity and trustworthiness in time management and goal achievement. He emphasizes the need to build trust with oneself and others by keeping commitments, being accountable, and acting with integrity.

  10. Continuous Improvement: Covey encourages readers to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement in time management and personal effectiveness. He advises reflecting on past experiences, learning from mistakes, and making adjustments to improve productivity and well-being over time.

Language English
ISBN-10 0743468597
ISBN-13 9780743468596
No of pages 360
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Pocket Books
Published Date 20 Jan 2003

About Author

Author : Stephen R Covey

15 Books

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