Everything For Sale

Robert T Kuttner



Zeroing in on such realms as health care and the workplace, the commercialization of sports and the arts, the chaotic deregulation of airlines, S&Ls, and telecommunications, and the buying and selling of public offices, Kuttner shows how markets can fail precisely those whom they are supposed to serve. Asking the crucial question, "What should not be for sale?", Kuttner shows why a society conceived as a grand auction block would not be a democracy worth having. 416 pp. Author tour. 25,000 print.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Marketization of Society: Discussing the trend towards applying market mechanisms to areas traditionally outside the market, such as healthcare, education, and social services.

  2. Impact on Public Services: Addressing the implications of privatization and market-driven approaches on public services, highlighting both potential benefits and drawbacks.

  3. Social and Economic Inequality: Analyzing how market-based solutions can exacerbate social and economic inequality by prioritizing profit over equitable access to essential services.

  4. Role of Government: Discussing the role of government in balancing market forces and ensuring social welfare, exploring the challenges of market-driven policies in meeting societal needs.

  5. Consumerism and Commercialization: Addressing the consequences of increased consumerism and commercialization in various aspects of life due to market-centric approaches.

  6. Globalization and Market Forces: Exploring how globalization has influenced market-based solutions and their impact on local economies and cultures.

  7. Environmental Concerns: Discussing how market-driven approaches may affect environmental sustainability and natural resource management.

  8. Policy Alternatives: Presenting alternative policy approaches that prioritize societal well-being over purely market-driven solutions.

  9. Community and Social Capital: Highlighting the importance of community and social capital and how marketization might impact these aspects of society.

  10. Democratic Governance: Discussing the implications of market-driven policies on democratic governance and citizen participation in decision-making processes.

Language English
ISBN-10 0-394-58392-2
ISBN-13 9780226465555
No of pages 410
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher University of Chicago Press
Published Date 15 May 1999

About Author

Author : Robert T Kuttner

1 Books

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