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James Allen

Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance aims at freeing us from the slavery of our negative and binding thoughts, enabling us to conquer our inhibitions and se...


Sharmin Jeet

The life I lead wasn’t normal but the problems were pretty similar to almost everyone’s. I wrote this book in the hope that someone will stumble upo...

Available (00:59:06)

Poojalakshmi T , Dhanvandhiri Arumugam , Aparna Unnikrishnan

Meraki, is a whole hearted collection of thesubscriptions that are to be done, thus left unseenand unsubscribed. This collection of six storiesare based on the ...

Available (01:50:02)

Paramhansa Yogananda

"Bringing the Best of Paramhansa Yogananda together. This combo contains ,""Autobiography of a Yogi & Scientific Healing Affirmations"&q...


Rakhshanda Jalil

A collection of short inspirational stories that are simple and easy to read. They compel the reader to pause, reflect and carry the message through the day. Th...


Ajay Sachdeva

The cornerstone of this lively and highly readable book is the idea of operating from the ‘free spirit’ as opposed to the programmed mind. In doing ...


Kanti Mohan Rustagi

Truth is, in essence, a tour de force through the Bhagwad Gita, Vedas and monumental epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, brought to fore by the lives of tw...

Available (02:28:34)

Gaur Gopal Das

Do you want to boost productivity, build morale, heal relationships, and dissolve litigation? Do you want to achieve the impossible by seeing the invisibl...

Available (01:47:58)

Gaur Gopal Das

Can practicality and philosophy work together to recognize destructive emotions? Can impulsive human behavior be transformed? Are destructive emotions &l...

Available (01:31:3)

Govinda Das

Life is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. In fact life is a series of choices. Happiness is a choice. So is misery. Honesty is a choice; so is d...

Available (03:41:04)

Gaur Gopal Das

This is NOT a sentimental religious book! It is candid, cutting, explicit, unerringly logical, penetrating, revealing, stimulating yet grave and deep, irresisti...

Available (01:25:37)

Sanchit Gupta

‘You have come into your comfort Zone, haven't you? The comfort Zone is the enemy of ambition. I am willing to try, and I might even fail miserably, b...
