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Bhupendra Suri

  Do you feel stressed, always running behind umpteen priorities, frustrated that things are not under control? Could it be that the root cause of this ...


Virender Kapoor

Good read. Value for money. Do buy and read. Should not take more than a few hours to read. Entertaining. Brillant book. He writes close to life. Light hearted ...


Jagannath Patil

The Volume ‘ Children Without Parental Care: protection, safeguards and Best Practices is an effort to highlight best practices for children without paren...


D. P. Apte

Huna is a Hawaiian shaman method that helps in achieving harmony with ourselves, our surroundings, our living, and non- living things, nature and the universe. ...


Mandar Chitre

Amazing and Heart warming stories for a positive change in your life... Each of the nine stories featured in this book could help you answer the following quest...


Preeti Pathak

For centuries man has been on an unceasing quest for bliss which he explores in luxury task indulgence responsibility services and relations Lamentably every ti...


Krishna Dhan

Good read. Value for money. Do buy and read. Should not take more than a few hours to read. Entertaining. Brillant book. He writes close to life. Light hearted ...


Pinki Virani

Among life’s choices is to have children or remain childfree. Yet those who want a child and find themselves unable, live through the trauma of ‘inf...


Dr. Chitralekha Purandare

Good read. Value for money. Do buy and read. Should not take more than a few hours to read. Entertaining. Brillant book. He writes close to life. Light hearted ...


Dr. Shantanu Sharma

Do you have back pain? Do you know someone who has back pain? Did you know that 4 out of 5 people in the world have back problems? And the structure an...


Paramahansa Pran Das

Good read. Value for money. Do buy and read. Should not take more than a few hours to read. Entertaining. Brillant book. He writes close to life. Light hearted ...


D. P. Apte

NLP helps in harnessing potential of the power of subconscious. This small yet comprehensive self-help or do-it-yourself type book, won't need additional ex...
