Celin Dion

1 Books

 The author behind this book is no other than Ms. Jocelyn Diones. The book was her first completed story that was written in only a day. She's into literature and arts. At the age of seven, her favorite thing to do is reading books that associate fiction stories and poems. She discovered at the age of fifteen that she is capable of writing stories. She wants to learn things and is still in progress in terms of finding her own style of writing.

She stopped writing at the age of seventeen because she couldn't figure out her own style. After three years, she came back to continue her dream. "Even though I had to stop writing, I'll never forget the ones in my life where I strive for words around a paper. Writing is my voice and my life. When I feel like I need to stop, I must say that, no matter what circumstances happened I will be back and continue this dream of mine," her saying. Her pseudonym is Celin Dion/Misicelinnnnnn.

You can also catch up with her on Facebook page Celin Dion, Instagram ce_lyn2 and on her twitter account @misicelinnnnn.


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