After the bankruptcy of his first two companies, the young Walt Disney decides to call on his older brother Roy to start a new business: the Disney Brothers Car...
Captain Paget and her dwindling platoon of Colonial Marines must face the interplanetary hunters known as the Predators. Then they're attacked by a swarm of...
The new world was an unspoiled frontier perfect for colonization, a virtual paradise of boundless beauty and limitless resources, untouched by human hands... bu...
In the farthest reaches of space, a creature terrified us. Acid blood. Armored skin. Razor-sharp teeth. No mercy. In the depths of a rain forest, another creatu...
Two extraterrestrial species have haunted — and hunted — mankind throughout history: one a parasitic killing machine that uses humans as unwilling h...
The essential introduction to Predator in the comics!Brutal, invisible, nearly unstoppable. He is the hunter from the stars . . . the Predator.They seek the str...
A long-lost Predator clan stakes its claim for galactic dominance, intent on exterminating its rival clan, the self-same trophy hunters who have plagued Earth...
The new edition of this book is enhanced with updated references to VMS. The authors have responded to suggestions made by readers of previous editions. They co...
For the first time, all three BATMAN VS. PREDATOR miniseries are collected into one massive bloody collection, including the Eisner Award-winning BATMAN VS. PRE...
From tropical islands to desert mountains, the hunt is on! Predators--the hunters from the stars--have been coming to Earth since time immemorial, stalking and ...
The Hunter team is shocked by the return of Raphael Herrera, the former drug trafficker presumed to have been killed on Tehua Island. Can he be trusted, or has ...
The world's attention is focused painfully on a brutal third-world civil war, a merciless sectarian conflict sparing neither soldier nor civilian, grandmoth...