Christine Feehan

5 Books

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 70 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, Ghost walker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series and Torpedo Ink.

All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999.

Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince. IN HER WORDS:

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me.

 I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (


Interview with Christine Feehan

SR: How did you get started writing?

Christine: I've always written. I wrote the most wonderful (LOL) mysteries in elementary school. I remember getting in LOTS of trouble for writing stories instead of doing math. My notebooks were always filled with stories.

I wrote at my children's events, soccer, baseball, basketball.. I wrote while my family watched television. I recently discovered I never actually watch videos, I'm listening while I write. It's a worse habit than my reading addiction if you can believe that!

SR: Did you always want to write about the Carpathians?

Christine: No, I have always written mysteries, or suspense stories. I like action stories as well. There was a time in my life where I needed to write something very different for myself and that's when I began to write my Carpathian stories.

I didn't really envision the books as a series, so much as a world where I could continually return and write the story of a Carpathian when the characters became strong. I didn't want there to be a set number because I always have more stories that come out of nowhere and demand to be told.

SR: How long did it take you to sell your first book?

Christine: A few years ago I sent out a couple of manuscripts and was lucky enough to have an editor really notice my work. Unfortunately at the time, when she wanted rewrites, my husband was in a bad car accident and I just gave the entire thing up.

I was sending my work in more because family and friends were pushing me to do so than because I wanted to be published. Dark Prince was bought when Alicia Condon at Dorchester agreed to read it. One other house looked at it, the editor wanted it, but the senior editor wouldn't go for the content. So we were actually lucky even to get it read.

SR: Just to torture us readers out there, how many of the future Carpathians are already written?

Christine: I know everyone thinks I have a surplus built up because I had a couple of books written prior to publication, but they went out on a four month schedule. I write three to four books a year and I don't always offer a book because I have to write something different in between each dark book.

At this time, I have next years books written as they must be written one year in advance to get on the schedule. I just completed Dark Melody, a very stubborn book that insisted on going its own way! I am now working on Dark Destiny.

SR: Why do you think the Carpathian books have become so wildly popular?

Christine: Hopefully the books are popular because I have a strong voice, a different voice and I weave in issues that speak to us.

I am a woman who believes strongly in certain things and I hope it comes across in my writing. I like to think I've been writing for many years and have developed a unique voice and a different world readers enjoy delving into.

SR: Can you tell us a bit about Dark Fire and Dark Legend, as well as what's coming up with that series?

Christine: Dark Fire is already out and is a story about Darius, a man who guards his family and asks little in return until he meets Tempest, a woman who has never had a family. Blending them together was fun and I loved how he loved her. Dark Legend is very different. This is the story of a woman who is an ancient in full power.

She has remarkable talents and survived completely on her own, unlike Desire who was under the protection of several males. Gabriel finds his life mate and together they must do battle against Gabriel's twin, a game-playing vampire who wants to keep everything strictly between the two of them. Dark Dream is the story in After Twilight and was a good entry for the coming of the real ancients, warriors sent out by Mikhail's father.

SR: Do you have some type of a reunion planned between Gregory and his lost siblings?

Christine: Dark Melody is essentially as all the other books a love story between Dayan and his life mate. A reunion does take place between Gregory and his siblings, but in these books, because the word count specifies how deep one can go into something, I want my readers to realize I always keep focus on the main couple. Several Carpathians come together to aid Dayan in attempting to save his life mate and her unborn child.

SR: Will we be seeing more ancient Carpathians?

Christine: Absolutely. I have many more books planned.

SR: How did you end up writing Gothics?

Christine: My editor called me up and asked me if I would be interested. I like writing dark. At first I was hesitant, I'm not into historical all that much, nor am I into the details of historical, I tend to skip that when reading,

but I liked the idea of presenting a book with the emphasis more on the heroine. I chose a time in history that was interesting to me from the stand point of women's rights and used the weather and ignorance of the time to help the gothic feel.

SR: How does writing a Gothic book compare to writing a Carpathian book?

Christine: It is very different in that I prefer writing with at least a 40 to 50% male POV which you technically shouldn't do in a gothic. I'm trying to find a nice balance that will work for me yet still give the dark creepy feel to the book a good gothic have. I like to write in that feeling of impending doom.

SR: What do you find the most difficult part of writing a Gothic book?

Christine: For me it is finding a way to make the male lead appear as if he might harm the woman, yet have her fall for him. I'm sorry, if I thought the man was a serial killer, I wouldn't be falling into bed with him.

I want to create a new format, with the dark gothic feel, the journey for the woman, a strong heroine, yet without the male always being the suspect as traditional gothics have done. For me, I just NEED that male POV! LOL

SR: Could you possibly tell us a bit about your upcoming gothic?

Christine: I love Beauty and the Beast. I always have loved every story with that theme. I began playing around with my own version and while I was writing the Scarlatti Curse, I did research on the region and earlier religion and decided the Italian Alps was perfect for a beauty and the beast story.

Setting it in the 16th century allows me to keep the heroine from having too many resources for aid. I loved writing this book and think my readers will really enjoy it. And I managed to give the male POV much more than in Scarlatti which satisfied my need to do that.

SR: Will we be seeing a story about the brother from the SCARLETTI CURSE?

Christine: No, I have no intention of writing another Scarlatti book, although as I wrote the book, Byron's story unfolded.

I knew his life mate was a descendent of the Scarlatti’s and inherited their wealth and treasures. I'm looking forward to writing that book. SR: You write about both vampires and gothics - what is it about this type of book that attracts you and how do you get your story ideas?

Christine: I like to be able to use my imagination and the power of the paranormal to expand creativity. I like the use of dark and light and good and evil. It's plain fun to create stories of this nature. That and I may be a trifle twisted!

SR: Do you intend to explore any other genres of romance in the future?

Christine: Absolutely. I have written contemporaries and suspense and action for years. I hope that my readers will give those stories a try as I write them in between dark books. I love strong dark heroes in great need of redemption and heroines who put them in their place quite firmly!

All Christine Feehan's Books

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