Bhavya Kaushik

1 Books

With a Masters degree in Computer Science, Bhavya believe versatility is the key to unlock every door of our aspirations. Author of a bestselling novel, he is in a pursuit of his unwavering passion to talk about things that touch our soul and leave an everlasting impression. He is on a quest to seek answers to the questions that have always kept him awake.

“I am the story of my own journey.”

—Bhavya Kaushik, Author (The Other Side of the Bed)

Email id: [email protected]

Twitter handle: @BhavyaKaushik

Facebook: /writeroflife


Bhavya Kaushik Interview – The Infinite Equinox Book

Nikhil Narkhede Interviews

Bhavya completed his M. Tech in Computer Science from Manipal University. We interviewed him for his latest book “The Infinite Equinox”. Let us know more about Bhavya`s writing:

What inspired you to start writing?

When I was in standard VI, our class teacher gave us as an assignment to write about our superhero. I wrote a detailed essay on how my future self in my superhero, as he is everything that I would like to be. With a little narcissism, I never knew that it would be appreciated by everyone. She later asked me to write something for the school magazine. I did, and again the poem was largely appreciated by everyone. I continued writing and started my blog the next year. When I turned 18, I had more than ten thousand followers on my blog. I knew there was no looking back.

What did you like to read when you were a boy?

When I was a kid, I used to love reading Nancy Drew. My first book was Oliver Twist – I read it when I was 10 or 11. My first novel was Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I read when I was 16. I read it again a few months back and it felt entire different. Some of my favourite books are White Oleander, Mockingjay, Are We There Yet, Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close, Everyday, and so on!

What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?

I strongly believe that if you are a writer and if you just know that this is what you want to do for the rest of your life, then there can never be anything challenging for you. I love the process of writing a novel. I enjoy it. I cherish it so much that I do it over and over again. It’s not challenging at all. It’s such a high!

How much research do you do before writing the book?

It depends on the subject and the plot of the book. If a theme is really unique, then I focus on the plot and do my research. Sometimes, it can take months. There is no such fixed duration. I do my research until I become the character. As I always say, I write characters, not stories.

What motivated you to write the book “The Infinite Equinox”?

I always wanted to write about the idea of death and how sometimes death can be peaceful. I also wanted to touch the subject of abduction and how children are thrown into these malicious beggar rackets. It might sound strange – but one day, I woke up and I just knew that I had to write this novel.

Can you tell us more about your latest book “The Infinite Equinox”?

I have always believed that our entire life is made up of moments – the kind of memories that you can distinguish between black or white. It was the same with Tamanna. This book is her journey – from the slums of Jaipur to the residents of Seattle, her comrades, her romance, the search for her parents, her struggles, her disbeliefs, and her existence. Some novels are more than just novels, and this is one of them. This book narrates her journey. She is on a quest to find her parents in order to live, to exist. It is my heart, wrapped around a piece of a paperback.

How did you come up with the idea of writing fiction genre book?

I always knew that my reality was different. There was a kind of story, a world of my own that I was living in. I had to pen it down with my words or else I won’t make any sense. I just had to write.

Who are your favourite authors?

Some of the authors that I love reading are Janet Fitch, Khaled Hosseini, Jonathan Safran Foer, David Levithan and Veronica Roth. (I know I am forgetting a lot!)

How much time do you dedicate to writing on a daily basis?

It depends on my state of mind. Usually, I write on weekends – when I am writing, I don’t do anything else. Sometimes, I can go on and write for 40 hours straight, while sometimes I just don’t write for weeks.

What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?

Just write. Don’t think about what others would think of your work. Believe in yourself and do what makes you happy. It is a beautiful word. Make it even more beautiful with your words. Keep it simple, keep it real.

All Bhavya Kaushik's Books

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