Draven Black

3 Books

Draven Black is an aspiring writer who can be found in many online writing platforms. His main genre is Horror and he is known for creating short stories on Wattpad and Facebook.

Most of this works have also been narrated and animated in many horror channels on YouTube. He is also capable of writing Drama, Romance and Fantasy that will be found on Dreame platform.

He likes to experiment a lot and most of his works in the Horror genre can be considered as "experimental". He intentionally goes with disturbing imagery that are far from what many are accustomed to. He believes that art shouldn't be safe, and should be allowed to be unsafe and unsettling.

He is a mysterious person and no one knows his real name. Not even the publishers of this book. He likes to hide his identity in order to protect the darkest secrets of his mind that are capable of creating something really dark and disturbing.

The only thing that many people know about him is that death is his fantasy. He likes to create a different kind of deaths in various scenarios in his writings.

Despite all that, he is actually afraid of death. He has this condition called Thanatophobia where a person has an intense fear of death or dying. He can’t imagine himself being unable to wake up one day and leave this world.

Because of this, he decided to fight his own phobia by creating different kinds of deaths in his stories. He likes to kill his main characters in a very disturbing way and make them pray for their own death.

Death is also the main element in his stories, especially in the Horror genre. His favorite quote is "life is a beautiful lie and death is the painful truth" by Paul K. Metheney.


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