Anne Orquinaza

1 Books

Jherlie anne orquinaza is a Bs Tourism Management student at STI College in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. She began writing stories when she was 16 years old. She embraced writing stories to encourage herself and as a kind of therapy. This book is a collection of her experiences and lessons learned. It's her way of saying a last farewell to all hardship and agony. She writes in the hope that one day her stories would be sufficient to share her stories.

No warrior escaped the battle undamaged, and no fighter returned home undamaged. We frequently compare ourselves to others without realizing that those we admire are also bleeding; just because we can't see their wounds doesn't mean they aren't in pain. We have many types of pain, which we may not witness very often, but it exists. We must come to terms with the fact that everyone suffers. No one was spared the agonizing suffering. We are all shattered, made up of diverse losses but sorrows that are all the same.


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