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Max Fatouretchi

CRM systems have delivered huge value to organizations. This book shares proven and cutting-edge techniques to increase the power of CRM even further. In The...


Paolo Galeone

TensorFlow, the most popular and widely used machine learning framework, has made it possible for almost anyone to develop machine learning solutions with ease....


Monika Wahi

Book Description SAS is used for various functions in the development and maintenance of data warehouses, thanks to its reputation of being able to handle &r...


Nick Fisk

Ceph is an open source distributed storage system that is scalable to Exabyte deployments. This second edition of Mastering Ceph takes you a step closer to beco...


Adam O Grady

Gitlab is an open source repository management and version control toolkit with an enterprise offering. This book is the ideal guide to GitLab as a version cont...


James Freeman , Daniel Oh , Fabio Alessandro Locati

Ansible enables you to automate software provisioning, configuration management, and application roll-outs, and can be used as a deployment and orchestration to...


Rimjhim Bhadani , Anubhav Singh

Deep learning is rapidly becoming the most popular topic in the mobile app industry. This book introduces trending deep learning concepts and their use cases wi...


Can Bilgin

.NET Core is the general umbrella term used for Microsoft’s cross-platform toolset. Xamarin used for developing mobile applications, is one of the app mod...


Glen D. Singh , Rishi Latchmepersad

CompTIA certified professionals have always had the upper hand in the information technology industry. This book will be your ideal guide to efficiently passing...


Jean-Georges Valle

If you’re looking for hands-on introduction to pentesting that delivers, then Practical Hardware Pentesting is for you. This book will help you plan attac...


Sujoy Acharya

Apache Ignite is a distributed in-memory platform designed to scale and process large volume of data. It can be integrated with microservices as well as monolit...


Ricardo Peres

ASP.NET has been the preferred choice of web developers for a long time. With ASP.NET Core 3, Microsoft has made internal changes to the framework along with in...
