Product Type



Age Group


Book Author

Book Publisher

Raymond S. Spears


William Douglas Morrison


Wallace G. West


Ruth Plumly Thompson

Return to L. Frank Baum’s wonderful world of Oz with this illustrated children’s book series. The Scarecrow, tiny Trot from California, and Benny...


Roy Norton


Dr Sumit Goel

Hvorfor føler jeg altid, at jeg ikke er god nok? Hvorfor føler jeg mig altid som en fiasko? Hvad holder mig tilbage? Jeg ved ikke, hvordan j...


Richard Wilson

Armchair fiction presents extra large paperback editions of the best in classic science fiction novels. "30 Day Wonder" is a great tale in which Alien...


W. C. Tuttle

"The Taking of Cloudy McGee" by W. C. Tuttle is a classic western novel that follows the story of Cloudy McGee, a notorious outlaw who wreaks havoc th...


Stanley R. Lee


Leighton L. Qua

One fateful day, Arachnee senses a profound change within herself. Curious, she approaches her mirror and is met with the astonishing revelation that she has tr...


Mitrajit Biswas

This is the second chapter in the four-part series which takes you on a flashback of how the protagonist started his journey and builds a platform for the upcom...


Shreyas Adhikari

Special forces during the reign of Samudragupta are dispatched to combat monstrous enemies in the north. A clan of cannibals raise a child. Alexander the Great ...
