The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

John P Kotter & Dan S Cohen



For individuals in every walk of life and in every stage of change, this compact, no-nonsense book captures both the heart and the "how" of successful change. Organizations are forced to change faster and more radically than ever. How are companies faring in meeting these challenges and what can we learn from their experiences? In this powerful follow-up book organized around Leading Change's revolutionary eight-step change process, Kotter and co-author Dan Cohen reveal the results of their research in over 100 organizations in the midst of large-scale change.

What they found may surprise you. Although most organizations believe change happens by making people think differently, Kotter and Cohen say the key lies more in making them feel differently. They introduce a new dynamic "see-feel-change" that sparks and fuels action by showing people potent reasons for change that charge their emotions. Through true stories from real people, the authors present a play-by-play of challenges encountered, mistakes made, and lessons learned through each of the eight steps of change and offer tips and tools readers can apply within their own organizations.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Importance of Emotional Connection: The authors emphasize the significance of creating an emotional connection to drive change within an organization. People are more likely to embrace change when they understand and feel a personal connection to the reasons behind it.

  2. Stories as Catalysts for Change: The book uses real-life stories to illustrate successful organizational change. Stories can be powerful tools for conveying the need for change and inspiring employees to be part of the transformation.

  3. Change is an Emotional Process: Change is not just a rational or logical process; it involves emotions. The book explores how addressing emotions and engaging employees on a personal level can lead to more successful change initiatives.

  4. Leading Change: Effective change leadership involves not only creating a compelling vision but also actively engaging and involving employees throughout the process. Leaders need to be visible, accessible, and supportive.

  5. Building a Sense of Urgency: The authors stress the importance of creating a sense of urgency to overcome resistance to change. When people understand the urgency and necessity of change, they are more likely to support it.

  6. Communication and Transparency: Open and transparent communication is essential during times of change. Keeping employees informed about the reasons for change, the process, and the expected outcomes builds trust and reduces uncertainty.

  7. Empowering Employees: In successful change efforts, employees are empowered to contribute ideas and solutions. This empowerment fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the change process.

  8. Overcoming Resistance: The book addresses the common issue of resistance to change and provides strategies for overcoming it. Understanding and addressing the concerns of those resistant to change is crucial for success.

  9. Continuous Learning: Change is an ongoing process, and the ability to adapt and learn from experiences is vital. Organizations need to foster a culture of continuous learning to navigate ongoing challenges and changes.

  10. Measuring and Celebrating Success: Establishing clear metrics to measure the success of change initiatives and celebrating milestones are important aspects of sustaining momentum and reinforcing the positive outcomes of change.

Language English
ISBN-10 9781578512546
ISBN-13 9781578512546
No of pages 190
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Harvard Business School Press
Published Date 01 Aug 2002

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