Leadership Theory and Practice

Peter G.Northouse


In Circulation

The market-leading Leadership: Theory and Practice presents an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with a focus on how theory can inform practice. Author Peter G. Northouse uses a consistent structure for each chapter that allows readers to easily compare and contrast different theories. Case studies and questionnaires provide students with practical examples and opportunities to deepen their understanding of their own leadership style. The fully updated Ninth Edition features a new chapter on inclusive leadership, 17 new real-world cases that profile leaders from across the globe, a new discussion on leadership and morality, and examples of timely issues such as leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Trait Approach: Discusses early theories that focused on identifying specific traits or characteristics associated with effective leaders, such as intelligence, charisma, and decisiveness.

  2. Skills Approach: Explores the idea that leadership skills can be developed and improved, encompassing technical, human, and conceptual skills essential for effective leadership.

  3. Style Approach: Examines leadership styles, including task-oriented, relationship-oriented, and adaptive styles, and how they impact organizational outcomes.

  4. Situational Approach: Discusses leadership as contingent upon the situation, proposing that effective leaders adapt their style based on the context and the readiness or maturity of their followers.

  5. Contingency Theory: Explores how various situational factors, such as the leader-follower relationship, task structure, and position power, influence leadership effectiveness.

  6. Path-Goal Theory: Focuses on how leaders can motivate followers by clarifying paths toward goals, offering support, removing obstacles, and providing rewards.

  7. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory: Explores the quality of the relationship between leaders and individual followers, emphasizing the significance of differentiated relationships within a team.

  8. Transformational Leadership: Discusses leaders who inspire and motivate followers by fostering innovation, encouraging change, and promoting a shared vision.

  9. Transactional Leadership: Covers leaders who use rewards and punishments to motivate followers, emphasizing task completion and adherence to established rules and procedures.

  10. Authentic Leadership: Discusses the importance of genuine and ethical leadership, where leaders are true to themselves and their values, fostering trust and credibility.

Language English
ISBN-10 1544397569
ISBN-13 9781544397566
No of pages 343
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Sage Publication
Published Date 19 Jul 2007

About Author

Author : Peter G.Northouse

1 Books

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