Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples

Robby Gallaty



If you are serious about being a disciple of Jesus Christ—really, truly serious—a discipleship group can help you achieve that goal. Jesus established this model for us by forming and leading the first discipleship group—and it worked. The men who emerged from that group took the gospel to the world and ultimately laid down their lives for Christ.

Discipleship groups can create an atmosphere for fellowship, encouragement, and accountability—building an environment where God can work. In Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples, Robby Gallaty presents a practical, easy-to-implement system for growing in one's faith. This guide offers a manual for making disciples, addressing the what, why, where, and how of discipleship. D-Groups, as Gallaty calls them, can teach you and others how to grow your relationship with God, how to defend your faith, and how to guide others in their relationships with God.

Growing Up provides you with an interactive manual and resource for creating and working with discipleship groups, allowing you to gain positive information both for yourself and for others as you learn how to help others become better disciples for Christ.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Importance of Discipleship: Gallaty emphasizes the importance of discipleship in the Christian life, highlighting it as a central aspect of fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.

  2. Personal Transformation: The book emphasizes that discipleship involves personal transformation, as believers grow in their relationship with Christ and become more like Him in character and conduct.

  3. Role Modeling: Gallaty underscores the role of role modeling in discipleship, encouraging mature believers to mentor and invest in the spiritual growth of others through intentional relationships and accountability.

  4. Biblical Foundation: The book is rooted in a biblical understanding of discipleship, drawing insights from Jesus' example of discipleship with His followers and the teachings of the New Testament.

  5. Intentional Living: Gallaty emphasizes the need for intentional living as a disciple, urging believers to prioritize spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship to deepen their walk with God.

  6. Multiplication: The book advocates for multiplication in discipleship, challenging believers not only to grow as disciples themselves but also to reproduce disciples by investing in others and equipping them for ministry.

  7. Community and Accountability: Gallaty stresses the importance of community and accountability in discipleship, highlighting the role of small groups and mentoring relationships in fostering spiritual growth and maturity.

  8. Mission and Service: Discipleship involves more than personal growth; it also entails a commitment to mission and service, as believers seek to share the gospel and make a positive impact on the world around them.

  9. Lifelong Journey: Gallaty emphasizes that discipleship is a lifelong journey, with believers continually growing, learning, and maturing in their faith as they follow Christ.

  10. Empowerment and Equipping: The book empowers readers with practical tools, resources, and strategies for effective discipleship, equipping them to fulfill their calling as disciples who make disciples.

Language English
ISBN-10 1462730000
ISBN-13 9781462730001
No of pages 250
Book Publisher LifeWay Christian Resources
Published Date 11 Nov 2013

About Author

Author : Robby Gallaty


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