Rules For Revolutionaries.

Guy Kawasaki



"Life for a revolutionary is all about kicking but: 'You have an interesting product, but...' 'I can see where there needs to be a better way, but...''I'd like to help you, but...'"

Guy Kawasaki, former chief evangelist of Apple Computer Inc., and renegade business strategist is back with a "but-kicking" manifesto, Rules for Revolutionaries. Kawasaki inspires world-changing innovation--this time using his battle-tested lessons to help revolutionaries become visionaries. With his trademark irreverence and go-for-broke attitude, Kawasaki lays out the solutions to the challenges that companies must meet to change the world.

Rules for Revolutionaries is divided into three sections:

Create Like a God. This section explains how to create revolutionary products and services. Kawasaki turns the conventional wisdom--which suggests that breakthrough insights appear when you're in the heightened and altered state of sitting in a beanbag chair squirting colleagues with water pistols--on its head. He shows how the key to creating a revolution is analyzing how to approach the problem at hand.

Command Like a King. In order for a revolution to be successful, someone has to take charge and make tough, insightful, and strategic decisions. From breaking down the barriers that prevent product adoption to avoiding "death magnets" (the stupid mistakes just about everyone makes), these are the strategies revolutionaries cannot go without.

Work Like a Slave. Successful revolutions require hard work--lots of hard work. To go from revolutionary to visionary, you'll need to eat like a bird--relentlessly absorbing knowledge about your industry, customers, and competition--and poop like an elephant--spreading the large amount of information and knowledge that you've gained.

Jam-packed with examples that are not just "real world," but real-world-turned-on-its-ear and man-bites-dog in nature, Rules for Revolutionaries presents a grab bag of insights from top innovators such as Apple,, Dell Computer, Hallmark, and Gillette, and a rich store of hands-on experience from the front lines of business revolution. Kawasaki's relentless enthusiasm and verve will empower you, whether you're an entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, manager, or small-business owner, to turn your dreams into reality, your realty into products, and your products into customer magnets.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Think Different:

    • Embrace a mindset that challenges the status quo and encourages unconventional thinking.
  2. Focus on the Cause:

    • Understand the purpose and mission behind your revolutionary efforts; stay committed to making a positive impact.
  3. Enable Others:

    • Empower and inspire those around you to contribute to the revolution; create a collaborative and inclusive environment.
  4. Embrace Change:

    • Be open to change and view it as an opportunity rather than a threat; adaptability is crucial for revolutionary success.
  5. Experiment and Iterate:

    • Don't be afraid to try new things, learn from failures, and iterate on your ideas.
  6. Authenticity Matters:

    • Be authentic in your approach, and let your passion and commitment shine through in your revolutionary efforts.
  7. Communicate Effectively:

    • Develop strong communication skills to articulate your vision and persuade others to join your cause.
  8. Understand Your Audience:

    • Know your target audience and tailor your revolutionary message to resonate with them effectively.
  9. Leverage Technology:

    • Utilize technology as a tool for innovation and efficiency; stay informed about emerging trends.
  10. Persist and Persevere:

    • Revolutionary change often faces resistance and challenges. Persevere through difficulties and setbacks with determination.
Language English
ISBN-10 0887309968
ISBN-13 9780887309960
No of pages 206
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Harper business
Published Date 06 Jan 1999

About Author

Author : Guy Kawasaki

5 Books

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