Everything About Your Teeth

Dr Avinash Shaligram



There are many misconceptions related to dental diseases and it is very important for us to know them. The most common misconceptions are as follows:

1) “Visible worms in the tooth cause tooth decay. Quacks and medicine men that practice dentistry often remove germs and show it to the unsuspecting public. In actuality the disease causing germs can only be seen under a microscope and not with the naked eye.

2)“Painful tooth should be fomented by hot water. Do not foment on the cheek in the affected area of the tooth with hot water when it aches as this causes the affected part to swell.

3) “Using a tooth paste alone prevents bad breath. Use of toothpaste by itself does not prevent bad breath. It is important for us to get it checked by the dentist so as to know its cause.

4)  “Removal of a tooth reduces eyesight. Teeth removal or extraction does not impair or cause vision problems. There is no medical and scientific basis for this.

5)  “Cleaning of teeth causes them to become loose. Teeth cleaning or removal of tartar does not cause the teeth to become mobile, in fact cleaning causes the gums to become strong and free of infection.

Language English
No of pages 38
Book Publisher Halant Books
Published Date 30 Nov 2007

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