The Net Worth Workout.

Susan Feitelberg


In Circulation

"Are your bills bloated, your savings scrawny, and your investments sluggish and lazy? This book presents a program for prioritizing, goal-setting, and follow-up that will get your finances into shape. Inspired by the author's successful seminar program of the same name, The Net Worth Workout uses a subject that people relate to easily -- health and fitness -- to make the nervewracking topic of personal finance more accessible. The book helps you develop the discipline and consistency you need to build your financial muscle. The author compares:

* Spending with Calorie Intake: Junk spending decreases wealth, while nutritious spending boosts it.

* Saving with Muscle Strength: Just as weightlifting builds muscle, smart saving builds financial strength.

* Earning with Metabolism: Earning more (whether through higher pay or taking better advantage of benefits) helps maximize the other components of your financial health.

* Investing with Cardiac Fitness: The heart of lasting financial health, investing increases the long-term effectiveness of the other components and ensures a robust financial life. The Net Worth Workout shows you how to follow a manageable, consistent regimen that will help ensure a healthier financial future -- all while hardly breaking a sweat."

What will you learn from this book

  1. Assessment and Evaluation: Feitelberg likely encourages readers to assess their current financial situation, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. This evaluation forms the foundation for improvement.

  2. Goal Setting: The book might emphasize the importance of setting specific and measurable financial goals. Feitelberg could discuss strategies for defining short-term and long-term objectives.

  3. Budgeting and Expense Management: Effective budgeting and managing expenses might be central themes. Feitelberg could offer practical advice on budget creation, tracking spending, and reducing unnecessary expenses.

  4. Debt Management: Strategies for managing and reducing debt might be discussed, including methods for prioritizing debt repayment and avoiding high-interest debt.

  5. Investment and Wealth Building: Feitelberg might delve into investment strategies aimed at growing wealth and increasing net worth. This could include discussions on asset allocation, diversification, and long-term investment approaches.

  6. Financial Planning: The book might cover aspects of financial planning, such as retirement planning, insurance, and estate planning. Feitelberg might provide insights into creating a comprehensive financial plan.

  7. Income Generation: Exploring ways to increase income or create additional sources of revenue might be a focus. Feitelberg could discuss side hustles, investments, or career advancement strategies.

  8. Risk Management: Strategies for mitigating financial risks might be highlighted, such as emergency funds, insurance, and protecting against market volatility.

  9. Behavioral Finance: Understanding behavioral patterns related to spending, saving, and investing might be discussed. Feitelberg might address psychological aspects influencing financial decisions.

  10. Continuous Improvement: The book might advocate for a continual improvement mindset in managing finances. Feitelberg could discuss the importance of adapting and refining financial strategies over time.

Language English
ISBN-10 0-8144-7315-6
ISBN-13 9780814473153
No of pages 226
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher McGraw-Hill Education
Published Date 01 Jan 2006

About Author

Author : Susan Feitelberg

2 Books

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