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Book Author

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Daniel Nissanoff

Predicts a near-future massive growth of new online auction-based stores similar to eBay that will transform the American household into an "auction cultur...

In Circulation

Steve Coll

The rise and rise of the Bin Laden family is one of the great stories of the twentieth century; its repercussions have already deeply marked the twenty-first. U...


C.S.Krishna And Karthik Laxman

At the risk of offending you a little, India's funniest bloggers would like to hold forth on Why Narendra Modi's favorite movie is The Lion King ...


Alexandra Harney

A landmark eyewitness exposé of how China's factory economy competes for Western business by selling out its workers, its environment, and its future...

In Circulation

John Heilemann , Mark Halperin

Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times: "Those hungry for political news will read Double Down for the scooplets and insidery glimpses it ser...
