Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success

John C. maxwell



Most of us look at our days in the wrong way: We exaggerate yesterday. We overestimate tomorrow. We underestimate today. The truth is that the most important day you will ever experience is today. Today is the key to your success.

Maxwell offers 12 decisions and disciplines-he calls it his daily dozen-that can be learned and mastered by any person to achieve success.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Priority of Today: Emphasizes the significance of focusing on the present moment and making the most of each day as a building block for future success.

  2. Daily Growth: Advocates for daily personal growth and development, highlighting the cumulative impact of consistent improvement over time.

  3. Intentional Goal Setting: Discusses the importance of setting clear, achievable goals and taking daily steps toward their realization.

  4. Managing Priorities: Addresses the need for effective prioritization and time management to focus on tasks that align with long-term objectives.

  5. Healthy Relationships: Emphasizes the value of nurturing positive relationships and investing in meaningful connections with others.

  6. Attitude and Mindset: Discusses the significance of cultivating a positive attitude and a growth mindset to overcome challenges and setbacks.

  7. Personal Discipline: Advocates for practicing self-discipline and consistency in daily actions and habits.

  8. Learning from Failures: Encourages learning from mistakes and failures, viewing them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  9. Embracing Change: Addresses the importance of adaptability and being open to change as a means of staying relevant and evolving.

  10. Living with Purpose: Stresses the need to live each day with purpose, aligning actions with values and long-term aspirations.

Language English
ISBN-10 0446529583
ISBN-13 9780446529587
No of pages 336
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Warner Books
Published Date 01 Jan 2004

About Author

Author : John C. maxwell

5 Books

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