Orchestrating Success: Improve Control of The Business With Sales & Operations Planning

Richard C. Ling & Walter E. Goddard


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The authors present a dynamic approach to effectively link sales and marketing planning directly to the operations side of a business. Demonstrates how to create a connection between a company's business plan and each department's operations, accurately anticipate changes in customer's needs and significantly improve a firm's competitive position with an enhanced level of customer satisfaction.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Integrated Planning: S&OP involves aligning and integrating sales, marketing, and operations planning to achieve a cohesive and synchronized approach.

  2. Demand Forecasting: The book may discuss methodologies for accurately forecasting demand, a critical aspect of successful S&OP.

  3. Supply Chain Visibility: S&OP emphasizes the need for transparency and visibility across the entire supply chain, enabling better decision-making.

  4. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Effective S&OP requires collaboration between various departments, including sales, marketing, operations, and finance.

  5. Financial Alignment: The book may explore how S&OP can be linked to financial objectives, ensuring that operational plans align with overall business goals.

  6. Inventory Management: S&OP plays a role in optimizing inventory levels, ensuring that companies maintain an appropriate balance between supply and demand.

  7. Risk Management: The S&OP process often involves identifying and mitigating risks within the supply chain, contributing to overall business resilience.

  8. Scenario Planning: The book may discuss the importance of scenario planning within the S&OP process, allowing businesses to prepare for various potential outcomes.

  9. Continuous Improvement: S&OP is not a one-time process but an ongoing cycle. The book might emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

  10. Technology Integration: Successful S&OP often involves leveraging advanced technologies, such as forecasting tools and integrated software, to enhance efficiency and accuracy.

Language English
ISBN-10 0471132276
ISBN-13 9780471132271
No of pages 157
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Published Date 05 Jun 1992

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