Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman

Richard P Feynman



"I'm an explorer, OK? I like to find out!" -- One of the towering figures of twentieth-century science, Richard Feynman possessed a curiosity that was the stuff of legend. Even before he won the Nobel Prize in 1965, his unorthodox and spellbinding lectures on physics secured his reputation amongst students and seekers around the world. It was his outsized love for life, however, that earned him the status of an American cultural icon-here was an extraordinary intellect devoted to the proposition that the thrill of discovery was matched only by the joy of communicating it to others.

In this career-spanning collection of letters, many published here for the first time, we are able to see this side of Feynman like never before. Beginning with a short note home in his first days as a graduate student, and ending with a letter to a stranger seeking his advice decades later, Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track covers a dazzling array of topics and themes, scientific developments and personal histories. With missives to and from scientific luminaries, as well as letters to and from fans, family, students, crackpots, as well as everyday people eager for Feynman's wisdom and counsel, the result is a wonderful de facto guide to life, and eloquent testimony to the human quest for knowledge at all levels.

Feynman once mused that "people are entertained' enormously by being allowed to understand a little bit of something they never understood before." As edited and annotated by his daughter, Michelle, these letters not only allow us to better grasp the how and why of Feynman's enduring appeal, but also to see the virtues of an inquiring eye in spectacular fashion. Whether discussing the Manhattan Project or developments in quantum physics, the Challenger investigation or grade-school textbooks, the love of his wife or the best way to approach a problem, his dedication to clarity, grace, humor, and optimism is everywhere evident..

Feynman was a man many felt close to but few really knew, and this collection reveals the full wisdom and private passion of a personality that captivated everyone it touched. Perfectly Reasonable Deviations From the Beaten Track is an eloquent testimony to the virtue of approaching the world with an inquiring eye; it demonstrates the full extent of the Feynman legacy like never before. Edited and with additional commentary by his daughter Michelle, it's a must-read for Feynman fans everywhere, and for anyone seeking to better understand one of the towering figures--and defining personalities--of the twentieth century.

What will you learn from this book

  1. Feynman's Curiosity and Love for Science: Feynman's letters often reveal his insatiable curiosity and passion for physics. He frequently discusses scientific problems, theories, and ideas with his colleagues and students, showcasing his deep love for the subject.

  2. Unconventional Thinking: Feynman was known for his unconventional approach to problem-solving. His letters demonstrate his willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and think outside the box to tackle complex scientific puzzles.

  3. Sense of Humor and Wit: Feynman's letters are often laced with humor and wit. He had a playful personality and enjoyed making jokes, even in his scientific discussions and correspondence with colleagues.

  4. Commitment to Education: Throughout his letters, Feynman expresses a strong commitment to education and the importance of inspiring the next generation of scientists. He often shared his insights and knowledge with students and colleagues, encouraging them to pursue their scientific interests.

  5. Interest in Diverse Subjects: Beyond physics, Feynman had a wide range of interests, including biology, art, music, and philosophy. His letters reflect his curiosity about diverse subjects and his willingness to explore new ideas outside his field of expertise.

  6. Challenges and Struggles: Despite his brilliance, Feynman faced numerous challenges and struggles throughout his life and career. His letters reveal moments of frustration, self-doubt, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

  7. Ethical Considerations: Feynman was deeply concerned with ethical issues, particularly in relation to the development and use of nuclear weapons. His letters reflect his moral convictions and his efforts to grapple with the ethical implications of his scientific work.

  8. Personal Relationships: The book provides insights into Feynman's personal relationships with friends, colleagues, and family members. His letters reveal the depth of his friendships and the importance of human connection in his life.

  9. Impact on Science and Society: Feynman's contributions to science and society are evident throughout his letters. He played a key role in the development of quantum mechanics and the Manhattan Project, and his insights continue to influence physicists and scientists today.

  10. Legacy: "Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track" offers a glimpse into Feynman's enduring legacy as a scientist, educator, and thinker. His letters serve as a testament to his intellectual curiosity, creativity, and indomitable spirit.

Language English
ISBN-10 0465023711
ISBN-13 9780465023714
No of pages 512
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Basic Books
Published Date 25 Apr 2006

About Author

Author : Richard P Feynman

4 Books

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