The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer

Jeffrey K Liker


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The best-selling guide to Toyota’s legendary business philosophy and production system just got better—updated with important new frameworks and case examples for driving innovation and quality in any business today Since its first publication 17 years ago, The Toyota Way has been helping business leaders learn how to marry lean tools and methods with developing people to meet their key business challenges. This fully revised edition builds on the original 14 management principles that have made it so popular, and includes new case examples from manufacturing and services. The revised model places scientific thinking at the center and explains how Toyota and other companies develop a fact-based way of solving problems in leaders and members at all levels of the organization.

Deep observation and experimenting replace theorizing and assuming. In this book, the author delves below the surface of many lean six-sigma-agile programs to show readers how to align operational excellence with business strategies by developing people who:

1) Value challenges to energize improvement with a purpose

2) View lean systems as exposing problems for continuous improvement, not solutions to implement

3) Lead high-performance teams to achieve seemingly impossible challenges

4) Do detailed planning to breakdown complex challenges into smaller problems to solve, then address those problems one by one

5) Take a disciplined approach to learning through rapid experimentation and reflection

6) Build a culture of excellence built on mutual trust

What will you learn from this book

  1. Continuous Improvement (Kaizen): Emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement at all levels of the organization, fostering a culture of incremental advancements and problem-solving.

  2. Respect for People: Focuses on valuing and empowering employees, involving them in decision-making processes, and creating an environment that respects their expertise and contributions.

  3. Just-in-Time (JIT) Production: Discusses the concept of JIT, which involves producing only what is needed, when it's needed, thereby reducing waste and inventory while increasing efficiency.

  4. Elimination of Waste (Muda): Highlights the identification and elimination of various forms of waste, such as overproduction, defects, waiting, and unnecessary processes.

  5. Standardization and Consistency: Stresses the importance of standardized work processes and practices to ensure consistency, quality, and efficiency.

  6. Pull System: Explains the concept of a pull system, where production is based on customer demand rather than forecast, reducing overproduction and excess inventory.

  7. Kaizen Mindset: Encourages a mindset of continuous learning, experimentation, and innovation, fostering a culture that welcomes change and improvement.

  8. Supplier Relationships: Emphasizes strong partnerships and relationships with suppliers, working collaboratively to improve quality and reduce costs.

  9. Visual Management: Utilizes visual aids and systems to make information and processes easily understandable, facilitating better decision-making and problem-solving.

  10. Long-Term Thinking: Advocates for long-term thinking and planning, considering the effects of decisions on the organization's future success and sustainability.

Language English
ISBN-10 9354600468
ISBN-13 9789354600463
No of pages 330
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Mcgraw Hill
Published Date 21 May 2021

About Author

Author : Jeffrey K Liker

3 Books

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