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Book Author

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Parushi Kalra

"Not really Sorry" is a short self-help book that includes a collection of 13 motivational messages. These are in the form of e-mails from one...


Shikhi Sharma

Life gradually unfolds itself, not in the way you want it to but in the way fate wants to. And you are left with no option other than to consider it best for yo...


Uday Karnik

It is my privilege to write a Preface to the novel, ‘A Commitment for Excellence’ written by my old friend and colleague Uday M. Karnik. I wrote an ...


Dr Deepak Ranade

Carl Sagan in The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, says: "Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of...

Available (02:35:09)

Gagan Deep Chauhan

मेरी कलम चाँदी की हो गई है, हकूमत के तख्त पर सजे गाव तकियों क�...

Available (00:29:3)