The epic novel Beauty Is a Wound combines history, satire, family tragedy, legend, humor and romance in a sweeping saga. The novel begins with the Japanese occu...
A cheeky up-close and personal guide to the secrets and science of our digestive system
For too long, the gut has been the body’s most ignored and leas...
Heidi, a lively orphan girl, goes to live with her cranky grandfather in a little hut high in the Alps. Soon she is happy and healthy, leading a carefree life w...
In the century since its debut in London, Peter Pan has come to be regarded as the most classic piece of children's literature of all time.
It is the sto...
Little Women – It’s Christmastime but celebrations and treats are on hold: Civil War is tearing America apart, and the March family has fallen on ha...
Intrepid reporter Edward Malone decides to investigate the claims of Professor Challenger, a temperamental but brilliant scientist, that dinosaurs still exist d...
A thick mist envelops an isolated house and a cottage atop a hill. Rasel, looks out from the window of her house and watches as the mist covers first the plants...
Spanning over six millennia, this monumental and thoroughly engrossing narrative account of Indian history and myth offers a new way of understanding one of the...
‘The National Project for Instilling Fear in the people has reached completion. Before the promised highways and jobs, everybody has been unfailingly give...
For some, the Himalaya is a frontier against which to test themselves. Others find refuge and tranquility in the mountains, a place where they can seek their se...
River of Flesh and Other Stories brings together twenty-one stories about trafficked and prostituted women by some of India’s most celebrated writers...
After Hindi-speakers from North India were massacred in Assam on the eve of elections in 2000, two out-of-work journalists decided to travel to t...