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Nitin Agarwal

India's Greatest Speeches is a stimulating collection of thoughtful speeches delivered by some of the most prominent Indian personalities. Set to inspire, t...


A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

त्रिशूल ' के लिए मैं ऐसे व्यक्‍त‌ि की सुलाश में था जिसे न स�...

In Circulation

Bakimchandra Chattopadhyay

बंकिम की इस अनुपम शैली का अनूठा उदाहरण है उन का चर्चित सामाजि�...

In Circulation

Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay

जन्म से अंधी युवती रजनी को जब उसका 'प्रेम' हासिल हो गया तो प�...

In Circulation

Jochen Manz , Farah Khan , Shahrukh Khan

Wenn die Leute nach der Magie unseres Kinos fragen, sage ich, erklärte Magie ist verlorene Magie. Vielleicht besteht seine Magie ja darin, dass es keiner F...



World Book’s Childcraft - Nature in Danger is a classic blend of photos, illustrations, activities, and concepts designed to capture and keep the interest...


Matthew Reilly

It is a secret the Chinese government has been keeping for 40 years. They have found a species of animal no one believed even existed. It will amaze the world. ...



In Circulation