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Book Author

Book Publisher

Ken Blanchard , Sheldon Bowles

A straightforward and snappy guide to successful customer service from the author of the bestselling The One Minute Manager. Raving Fans, in a nutshell, is t...


Ken Blanchard , Spencer Johnson

Success Can Be Yours With The One Minute Manager The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs offers you th...


Jim Stovall

What would you do to inherit a million dollars? Would you be willing to change your life? Jason Stevens is about to find out in Jim Stovall's The Ultimate G...


Jim Collins

Decline can be avoided. Decline can be detected. Decline can be reversed. Amidst the desolate landscape of fallen great companies, Jim Collins began to...


Nasha Fitter

IS THIS YOU? Have you ever applied for a job and not been called for the interview? Ever wondered why? Don’t be discouraged! Finally, an easy, st...


Bertrand Russell

Russell's classic The Principles of Mathematics sets forth his landmark thesis that mathematics and logic are identical—that what is comm...


Valorie Burton

There’s no doubt about it: these days we are just too busy. With the conveniences of technology, we’re compelled to get more done in less time and e...


Dr. Dhanajay Chavan

The Senior Citizens' Handbook is a complete guide covering a range of tips for senior citizens—from healthy eating and caring for your body to some im...


Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson

As they travel throughout North America and Europe together, Louise and Cheryl discuss a wide range of topics, including the importance of loving ourselves and ...


Des Dearlove

Bill Gates the greatest techno tycoons has created a leadership style that is radically different. His grip on the computer market has made him the richest man ...


John C. maxwell

Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller Today Matters, this condensed, revised edition boils down John C. Maxwell's 12 daily pr...


Lynn Grabhorn

We all know how strong our emotions can be - but do we really appreciate that they can actually help us to achieve what we want? We sometimes disregard our f...
